Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Digital PR up 47% or missing the target by half?

The UK has the highest share of total media spending on digital channels worldwide. It is estimated to grow by 47.5% this year. 

Is this reflected in the development of the PR industry?

For example, is the PR industry able to generate 300 Social Media Managers (see my post on the recruitment bubble).  Have the Universities created the courses to feed the need? Are the PR institutions investing in education of members at this sort of rate? Have senior managers in industry and commerce invested in in-house training to develop the necessary skills base and strategic capability?

For example, would one imagine the need extends to: 'how we might expand our digital and social media activity – and which platforms are the most appropriate for us to use.'  It is the CIPR answer to the need. Perhaps, a more strategic approach might be helpful.

Amazingly half of the PR consultants knew a year ago that they had a skills shortage. Now that number has grown by half if they want to compete. A quarter of agencies are not even going to increase marketing budgets for digital services.

To get some idea of the under ambitions of the PR industry, many agencies are expecting to grow their digital revenues to 21-30% this year says the Public Relations Consultants Association.

Is this an industry working hard to flop?

See report: http://www.emarketer.com/Article/Digital-Ad-Spending-Worldwide-Hit-3613753-Billion-2014/1010736#sthash.h7ZC0juH.dpuf

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